Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 27-29

Wow! Can't believe I haven't been blogging for so long, things sometimes are just a little crazy. Lets begin with day 26, which is also known as the 6th of July, which is also known as my brother's birthday (!!!). Happy Birthday, again!! The day consisted of work and then the afternoon to myself, during which I had a few meetings set up for freelance writing work. In the area I met up with Jason for sushi and DVDs.
Day 27-28 I went to set looking like a mini monster (allergies)- however forgot all about it when I met fashion photographer, Walid Ghanem, also the editor of Quadrafoil magazine. Very cool guy. We're working on some stills for him and the launch of his new website. Day 28, I was put on as stylist, which is really good for me, phew! It's been film production boot camp the last few weeks- so getting to style a fashion shoot was very refreshing, and I get to write the fashion editorials as well, which is even better. After a successful day, we all went for dinner at Bistro les Amis in Soho and then to a little club close by- never caught the name.
Day 29, was a bit of an admin day, sorting out my phone contract again (it's a monthly) and deciding whether to stay on for longer, laundry! (that's so much fun, it's this gigantic laundromat with a million people, washing machines and tumble dryers) It's like one big laundry party- I love it! Walid also phoned and hooked me up with a very well known stylist, Giovanna, who asked to meet with me next week. Super exited about this, she's amazing, and there's a lot of respect for her in the industry. Yay!
Later the afternoon, I went to the Museum of Modern Art (for Target Free Friday nights, which obviously the entrance is free then on Friday nights) and fell in love with Piet Mondrian all over again. I also took pictures of two chairs which Michael will have to make me (you have to) and a Picasso that I'm totally going to steal one day to hang next to my mirror. Oh, this museum is SUPER. Later that night, I met up with my three musketeers (Josh, Harrison and Raffi) for bowling night at the bowling bar in Williamsburg. Ok, so bowling, not my best sport, but with my girly beer (which I mix with orange juice, yummy!) and my boys, it's top of the list entertainment for an All-American Friday night!

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