Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 23-25 (4th of July whoohoo!)

Ah, started getting sick on Friday, which really isn't ever a good thing, but lived. Met up for dinner with my filmie buddy Jason and went all Mexican for dinner, where I had the hottest and most tequila ever- Jalapino flavor eek! Then we went Irish, to New York's oldest pub called McSorley's, where I drank beer (for like the second time in my life) which they make on the premises. -They still have saw dust on the floor and women were only really allowed inside a few years ago... After this we went Bohemian, in style while performers were walking singing and dancing all around us. This followed with a bit of American bar hopping until the sun came up, which we ended up enjoying from a rooftop in Soho sipping bloody Marys wearing over-sized sunglasses. Later the afternoon, after a screening of Hitchcock's To Catch a Thief and a musical On the Town I headed to Brooklyn for pre-drinks with Matthew and everyone for his birthday and then off to Barcade in Williamsburg for the actual celebration. Barcade- so very hipster, ghees, it's this old game arcade that transformed into a bar, with arcade games around the sides and the coolest of cool hanging around. Boys also love it, because they have very cheap beer and a drafts of almost everything's available...apparently this counts...

The next morning I was sickness herself and only got out of bed because it was the 4th OF JULY!!! Wow, how much fun! We kicked off with a pick nick in the park and our own frozen maragaritas! (I will post a picture later because I didn't take it with my camera, but I was wearing a blue red and white striped skirt, a blue and white striped top and Lady Liberty hat- one guess who's the South African...) Anyway, this was great. Then we moved to a roof top for fireworks, the rest can on
ly be summed up as, wow!

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