Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 13

The mission today was to explore Chelsey Village and more particularly its art galleries (Matthew Marks, Paula Cooper, Barbara Gladstone and the likes)- can't say I was impressed. I wrote this absolute despair off on my novice-status in the art's history and its genres. However, there were a few things that tipped the excitement barometer. At Gagosian gallery (supporting artists such as Damian Hurst and Anselm Kiefer) Roy Lichtenstein has a two-week exhibit (ends 30 June) of his 70s era Still Lifes, where I found Still Life with Lobster hilariously thrilling. Close by was an exhibition titled Cowboys and Indians by Yoram Wolberger, an artist who often studies and challenges obvious everyday objects to point out its cultural and unconscious meanings. With this mini exhibition (mini exhibition with grand objects), Wolberger made giant size sculptures (double my size) of these little toys, with their original flaws and all. Grabbed the kid right out of me! Two other paintings stood out, but I never wrote down the name, would have to go back.

After too much of Chelsey's arty business, I made it my business to find this special bookshop (Gotham Books) in Manhattan, which turned out to have gone out of business. So, two hours later, I walked out of old faithful Barnes & Nobles, to find 5th Avenue pouring with rain and black umbrellas with legs running scurrying up and down. Fantastic, the thousand umbrellas in New York vibe, so first things first, I bought my very own umbrella, hurried down to Starbucks next to the Empire State building and fell head over heals for Martin Amis' London Fields. I'm on page 107 now.

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