Thursday, August 26, 2010

Round up towards down time

This is a notice, that this blog would be growing into something way more exciting in the future. Not only would it's future be way more interesting and frequently updated- not only would it not revolve around me, but will also look at some things more appreciated by the general public. And for those with time, I'll add interesting links for further reading.


Thanks for the support.

xx N

Monday, August 9, 2010

Oh yes, and did not mention these coat hangers. Too much animal maybe?

Friday, August 6, 2010

Let Sleeping Cats Lie

I had the weirdest day. Ok, so I woke up early to be on set at 5:30. We're working on this short set in 2035, about this computer genius living in a house built on a old computer dumping site. mmm... So after that I rush over to Soho to meet with Walid to chat about magazine stuff and that's when I remembered the non-Nadine conversation I had with Joe, my housemate last night. Since Matthew, another flatmate left, the cats have been acting strange, and naturally everyone except me care. So Joe asked me whether I would have a minute (a minute, sure, and hour, no) to take the cats to the vet and have them checked out. Being the idiot that I am I said, yes, off course, no problem. Got it. Consider it done. So there I rush from Soho to Brooklyn to collect the slobs from my apartment and take them to the vet. 15 minutes pass and all I manage is turning a black T-shirt into a fur coat and a perfect neck into a scratch pad. So I walk over to the vet, and tell them that if they don't suggest how I could get the cats from my apartment to them, I will be doing it my way, which involves the cats not being alive. They handed me a carrier box. Back home I manage to shove Malachi (yes that's what you name your cat these days) into it, but under no circumstances would Moses oblige. So I leave him at home. As I walk to the vet I thought to myself, self, what the f. I hate cats, and I don't mean, guys wearing white shoes and buckled belts hate, I mean like unbearable hatred. And here I am feeding them, sweet talking them and taking them (or a half them) to the vet.

The cat turned out to be fine. Just stressed. Fancy that. I mean, the first picture does scream stressed right?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I ♥ Princeton

We had a half-day shoot in Princeton at Princeton University this recent Monday and I fell head over hill in love with this place. From Penn Station in Manhattan, you take the New Jersey rail train for an hour ride to Princeton Junction, where a little two-car train called a 'Dinky' takes you for a 5min ride to Princeton Uni. It is so incredibly beautiful there and in the end I couldn't leave. I kept coming up with excuses not to leave. I've never experienced this feeling of utter obsession with a place and complete love. (Naturally I worked in a quick visit to the Dean of a specific department, which I will reveal later. I have a plan. A big one.) Oh. I love Princeton. So. Much.

Gay Adventures

Became a member of the the Fight for Equal Gay & Lesbian Rights
(And can I say that they do not come cheap.) But it really is an amazing cause, I'm very proud to help the fight. In more than 20 states it's still legal for a guy to be fired from his job if he is gay. And I was thinking America is modern... But, hopefully this will change. We meet every Thursday for discussions and news and it makes me really happy to see so many people really believing in something this important.

I crossed the Brooklyn Bridge, by foot and the Williamsburg bridge, by bicycle

I'm the proud owner of a catamaran whom I called $100 Catey

My dear friend Tom told me one day out on the water that apparently every winter people stop sailing because of the cold. And, because of high docking costs to keep their boats in the harbor they simple let them loose and some drift off. Tom's dad, who loves all boats, then goes and rescue a few to Tom's irritation and with the result being a backyard filled with small to medium boats. This made me think that, seeing that there's so many, I might as well push my luck and see if I can't have him sell me one under the table. So I started nagging and after a lot of that and dinners at my apartment, I finally conned Tom into selling me the catamaran, for, yes you guessed it, $100. So this Sunday, Tom, myself and Catey will be sailing off into the sunset... [And I want to mention that I'm turning into quite the sailor with my Sunday skipper classes...]